Gold-Lined Sandbearer Nightstand

Furnishing Gold-Lined Sandbearer Nightstand
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategorySmall Furnishing (Interior)
Rarity3 Star
Adeptal Energy60


A Liyue-style nightstand built from the wood of the Sandbearer tree. Its four legs are wrapped in metal that makes it as sturdy as it is lovely.

Drawer space here is quite sizable indeed, being enough to even contain a catalyst for self-defense, all the better of the owner of the house to counterattack when roused from sleep. It is said that this design was popularized by a biography of successive Tianquan tenures.

Where to Get Gold-Lined Sandbearer Nightstand?

Blueprint of this furnishing can be obtained from Realm Depot for 160 realm currency. Then player can craft it in Furnishing Creation menu with these following materials:

Material 1Material 2Material 3Crafting Time
Housing Sandbearer Wood8x Sandbearer WoodMaterial Blue Dye2x Blue DyeMaterial Red Dye2x Red Dye14 hours