Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness

Furnishing Inazuman Official Residence Forcefulness
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryBuilding
Rarity4 Star
Adeptal Energy90


To the ordinary folk of Inazuma, this building, made in the style of the Outlander Affairs Agency complex, would be of particular height indeed.

It is said that the Kanjou Commission constructed the Outlander Affairs Agency complex in this manner as a way of displaying Inazuma’s glory to guests from abroad. To this day, not a single merchant from Ritou does not dwell in its shadow.

However, its role in the Serenitea Pot is purely cosmetic. Paimon suggests that you can use the awesome view to give your guests a show!

How to get Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness?

Blueprint of Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness can be purchased from Realm Depot for 240 realm currency.

After getting the blueprint, you can craft this furnishing using these following materials:

Material 1Material 2Material 3Crafting Time
Maple Wood
24x Maple Wood
Material Yellow Dye
6x Yellow Dye
Material Blue Dye
6x Blue Dye
16 hours