Crown of Insight

Crown of Insight
Crown of Insight
CategoryTalent Level Up
Rarity5 Star Rarity

Item Description

Once a medium for the storage and transfer of wisdom in ancient times. Now wisdom is found in ancient texts and in profound speech.

Nevertheless, this Crown of Insight must still be able to impart some transcendent power and wisdom to its bearer.


This material are the last material needed for leveling up character talents and skills. Specifically ONLY for upgrading talents and skill level 9 to 10.

Crown Of Insight Usage For Upgrading Talents From Level 9 To 10
Crown Of Insight Usage For Upgrading Talents From Level 9 To 10

Where to Get Crown of Insight ?

So far, this talent up material only obtainable from Major in game events such as Unreconciled Stars, The Chalk Prince and the Dragon, Lantern Rite, and the incoming Windblume Festival. Other than limited time event, there’s 1 Crown of Insight available as reward in Dragonspine Frostbearing Tree Level 11.

Crown Of Insight As Reward From Frostbearing Tree Level 11
Crown Of Insight As Reward From Frostbearing Tree Level 11

Who Needs Crown of Insight for Their Skill?

Crown of Insight is used for ALL playable characters in the game. I won’t list all characters here, might as well go to Characters List in GenshinDB homepage.