Genshin Impact have so many stunning official wallpapers that player can use whether it’s as desktop or mobile wallpaper. All wallpapers available from every version, with some version genshindb still working on it.
Genshin Impact wallpapers will be updated when there’s new in game or web event available, new version release, collaboration, etc.
Here you can get some sample of genshin impact wallpapers with high resolution for mobile and desktop.
- To download your desired wallpaper, click on it and find download link in the corner of your screen.
- To download wallpapers with more choice of resolutions, you can grab it from download link placed below each gallery.
- All this gallery separated patch, sorted descending with the newest patch on top and oldest patch on the bottom.
- You can also get some of this wallpaper from Mihoyo official N0va Desktop.
Genshin Impact 3.6 Wallpaper: Parade of Providence
3.6 coming with Baizhu and Kaveh release. The one with Kaveh also featuring other Sumeru characters like Alhaitham,Cyno, and Tighnari. Baizhu have his own standalone wallpaper, and one more with Qiqi from Herbal Remedies web event.
Desktop dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

Official download link via hoyoverse: – source via twitter.
Genshin Impact 3.5 Wallpaper: Windblume’s Breath
This version coming with Mondstadt Windblume Festival. This package also covering Chords of the Forest web event wallpapers.
Desktop dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

Official download link via hoyoverse: – source via twitter.
Genshin Impact 3.4 Wallpaper: The Exquisite Night Chimes
This version coming with Lantern Rite update so main wallpaper will cover some Liyue characters like Yelan, Hu Tao, and Ganyu. There’s also standalone wallpaper of Alhaitham, available for mobile and desktop.
Desktop dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

Official download link via hoyoverse: – source via twitter.
Genshin Impact 3.3 Wallpaper: All Senses Clear, All Existence Void
This version coming with revelation about Scaramouche past and introduction to TCG system.
Desktop dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

Download link via hoyoverse: here – source via twitter.
Genshin Impact 3.2 Wallpaper: Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises
First wallpaper from 3.2 update coming from May Your Dreams of Wisdom Come True web event.
Desktop dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

You can download wallpaper above directly or via this link: – via twitter
Genshin Impact 3.1 Wallpaper: King Deshret and the Three Magi
Genshin Impact wallpapers from Genshin 3.1 King Deshret and the Three Magi, covering one desktop wallpaper of Cyno, 3 wallpapers containing most character from Sumeru, 4 archons, and whole wallpaper set from A Walk Through the Woods with Aether and Lumine variant.
Desktop Dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile Dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

Aether Ver

Lumine Ver

Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper
Source: hoyolab official post
Download link:
Genshin Impact 3.0 Wallpaper: The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings
Genshin Impact 3.0 The Morn a Thousand Roses brings key visual for desktop and mobile, and one extra wallpaper from Tighnari character teaser web mini game.
For key visual, there’s only 2 base wallpaper with each wallpaper have 9 variants of size and resolution. Here we have some wallpapers as sample, you can find download link for all 18 images and source below this gallery.
Featured character: Tighnari, Nilou, Nahida, Dehya, Alhaitham, Collei, and Dori.
Desktop Dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile Dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
- Official download link for the whole set with all resolutions: (.zip) – Source via twitter: here
Genshin Impact 2.8 Wallpaper: Summer Fantasia
Genshin Impact 2.8 Summer Fantasia brings 2 version of key visual for desktop and mobile featuring some characters including Fischl, Mona, Kazuha, Xinyan, Yoimiya, and Shikanoin Heizou.
Desktop Dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile Dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
- Download link containing all resolutions official hoyoverse: – Source: official twitter
Genshin Impact 2.7 Wallpaper: Hidden Dreams in the Depths
Genshin Impact 2.7 Hidden Dreams in the Depths containing wallpapers related to characters participating in the release of The Chasm including Yelan, Xiao, Arataki Itto, Kuki Shinobu, and Yanfei.
Dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
- Source: hoyoverse jp
Genshin Impact 2.6 Wallpaper
Genshin Impact 2.6 Zephyr of the Violet Garden bring some wallpaper related to in game and web event, including: Five kasen portrait, Zephyr of the Violet Garden key visual, and some web event wallpapers featuring adventure of Klee and Albedo in Inazuma.
Featured Character: Kamisato Ayato, Kamisato Ayaka, Albedo, Venti, Kazuha, Xingqiu, and Klee
Dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
- Key Visual download from hoyoverse (39,21MB)
- Journey With a Gentle Breeze download from hoyoverse (20,35)
Genshin Impact 2.5 Wallpaper
Genshin Impact 2.5 When the Sakura Bloom bring wallpapers for mobile and desktop featuring Yae Miko and Raiden Shogun.
Dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
- When the Sakura Bloom Key Visual download from hoyoverse (13,58MB) – source
Genshin Impact 2.4+2.3 Wallpaper
This part will include 2 version: 2.4 Fleeting Colors in Flight and 2.3 Shadows Amidst Snowstorms. 2.4 mainly featuring Shenhe and Yun Jin as they appear in story and released, while 2.3 featuring Albedo, with bonus Gorou and Arataki Itto as released character.
Featured Character: Shenhe, Yun Jin, Keqing, Ningguang, Ganyu, Arataki Itto, Gorou, Albedo
Dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
- Download all wallpaper pack containing 2.3 and 2.4 wallpapers here (49.97MB)
Genshin Impact 2.2+2.1 Wallpaper
This part combined Genshin Impact 2.2 Into the Perilous Labyrinth of Fog, 2.1 Floating World Under the Moonlight, and all images used for Liyue Moonchase festival promotion.
Featured Character: Raiden Shogun, Kamisato Ayaka, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Yae Miko, Kazuha, Venti, Zhongli, Keqing, Xiangling, Tartaglia, Xinyan, and Thoma.
Dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
- Official download from mihoyo here (186,25MB)
Genshin Impact 2.0 Wallpaper
Genshin Impact 2.0 bring Inazuma update to Genshin Impact and for introduction, bring key visual images featuring Kamisato Ayaka and Yoimiya.
Dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1080×2160 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
Genshin Impact 1.6 Wallpaper
Genshin Impact 1.6 key visual featuring Klee, as well as Jean and Barbara with their new summer outfits.
Desktop dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
- Download from mihoyo here (16,45MB)
Genshin Impact 1.5,1.4,1.3,1.2, and 1.0 Wallpaper
Containing most wallpapers from Genshin Impact 1.0 up to 1.5
- 1.0 Welcome To Teyvat
- 1.1 A New Star Approaches
- 1.2 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon
- 1.3 All That Glitters
- 1.4 Invitation of Windblume
- 1.5 Beneath the Light of Jadeite
Desktop dimensions: 1920×1080 / 1920×1200 / 2048×1536 / 2560×1440

Mobile dimensions: 750×1334 / 750×1624 / 1080×1920 / 1125×2436

- Click on the images and find download button in the right corner of your screen to directly download wallpaper.
- Download from google drive link shared by Genshin Impact Official Twitter here:
- Wallpapers set from Genshin version 1.3,1.4, and 1.5: here (42,75MB)
- Wallpapers set from Genshin version 1.4 featuring Zhongli: here (12,93MB)