Mondstadt: The City of Wind and Song

Achievement - Mondstadt: The City of Wind and Song
Achievement – Mondstadt: The City of Wind and Song

Mondstadt: The City of Wind and Song contains all achievements related to Mondstadt exploration. There’s 13 achievements available and after completing all 13 achievements, player can claim Whistling Wind namecard as reward.


1Continental Explorer: MondstadtLight up the entire Mondstadt map (excluding the Dragonspine area).5
2Brush of a Thousand WindsUnlock all Teleport Waypoints in Mondstadt (excludes the Dragonspine area).5
3Let the Wind LeadUpgrade the Statues of The Seven in Mondstadt to their maximum level (excludes those in the Dragonspine area).20
4Sanctuary Pilgrim: MondstadtUnlock all the Shrines of Depths in Mondstadt.10
5,6,8Guiding WindFollow 10/20/40 Seelie in Mondstadt to their Seelie Courts (excludes the Dragonspine area).5/10/20
8,9,10Wind-Chasing Treasure HunterOpen 100/200/400 chests in Mondstadt (excluding the Dragonspine area).5/10/20
11,12,13Wind-Chasing AdventurerComplete 5/10/15 Open World mechanism-activated Time Trial Challenges in Mondstadt (excludes the Dragonspine area).5/10/20


The rewards for this achievement is special namecard and total of primogems: 145.

Achievement Namecard - Mondstadt: Whistling Wind
Achievement Namecard – Mondstadt: Whistling Wind