Collecting all 7 volumes of The Boar Princess is part of achievement called True Friendship Takes Sacrifice. Player will need to gather all 7 books, shouldn’t be difficult since 6 out of 7 books can be obtained from Mondstadt Library while the last one can be obtained from Dragonspine.

To check which volume that you are lacking, go to Menu > Archive > Books > Scroll until you find The Boar Princess then click + icon, you will find list of volumes that you’ve get.
Here’s locations of all volumes of this book:
Volume 1
Can be found at Mondstadt Library

Volume 2
Can be found at Mondstadt Library

Volume 3
Can be found at Mondstadt Library

Volume 4
Can be found at Mondstadt Library

Volume 5
Can be found at Mondstadt Library

Volume 6
Require to start Lost in the Snow quest. It’s quest to help Joel find his father in Dragonspine. After starting this quest, you can go to the book location near Wyrmrest Valley’s teleport waypoint.

Volume 7
Can be found at Mondstadt Library