We Are Wildfire

We Are Wildfire is a 4 star Light Cone of The Preservation path. It’s artwork featuring little Seele with someone from Wildfire, most likely Oleg.

PathThe Preservation
Rarity4 Star
SourceEcho of War and Forgotten Hall Store

Superimposition – Teary-Eyed

At the start of the battle, the DMG dealt to all allies decreases by 8/10/12/14/16% for 5 turn(s). At the same time, immediately restores HP to all allies equal to 30/35/40/45/50% of the respective HP difference between the characters’ Max HP and current HP.

Light Cone We Are Wildfire
Light Cone We Are Wildfire

We Are Wildfire Description

She got used to people losing their homes.

And she got used to people losing their lives.

But crying alone was useless.

“Wear this red scarf, and then we shall share each other’s pain.”

“We are family. We are Wildfire.”

The moment that pair of big hands held her head, she could no longer hold back her tears.

We Are Wildfire Upgrade Materials

Here’s all material required to upgrade this light cone from level 1 to 80: