Event Wish “Epitome Invocation” 2021-05-18: Introducing Song of The Broken Pines Claymore

Event Wish Epitome Invocation 2021-05-18
Event Wish Epitome Invocation 2021-05-18

New weapon banner is coming along with Born of Ocean Swell banner which bring new Cryo claymore user, Eula. This weapon banner bring new weapon along with popular weapon which already available from standard banner.

Some weapon available here specifically have physical damage oriented such as Aquila Favonia, the best sword for physical build and Rust which often used for physical Fischl. And of course there’s new 5 star weapon: Song of The Broken Pines, physical oriented claymore:

Song of The Broken Pines Level 90 Refinement 1
Song of The Broken Pines Level 90 Refinement 1

Event Wish Duration

2021-05-18 18:00:00 – 2021-06-08 14:59:59

Featured Weapon

5 Star

 Sword Aquila FavoniaAquila FavoniaClaymore Song Of Broken PinesSong of The Broken Pines 

4 Star

Bow RustRustCatalyst Sacrificial FragmentsSacrificial FragmentsSword Sacrificial SwordSacrificial SwordClaymore RainslasherRainslasherPolearm Dragons BaneDragon’s Bane

Event Wish Details

  • During the event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star weapon Song of Broken Pines (Claymore) and the 5-star weapon Aquila Favonia (Sword) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
  • During the event wish, the 4-star weapons Sacrificial Sword (Sword), Rainslasher (Claymore), Dragon’s Bane (Polearm), Sacrificial Fragments (Catalyst), and Rust (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
  • Of the above weapons, the event-exclusive weapon will not be available in the standard wish “Wanderlust Invocation.”
  • For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.

Source: https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/371062