Mondstadt Mansion: Windward Manor

Furnishing Mondstadt Mansion Windward Manor
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryMain Building (Exterior)
Rarity5 Star Rarity
Adeptal Energy750


One of the main buildings to be found within a teapot abode. This Mondstadt-style luxury villa is very spacious, and when you sing out strong, the echoes will come back to you from all sides.

These buildings are highly-complex constructions and are a rare sight in Mondstadt.

Tubby explained its presence to you thusly: that Madame Ping had arranged for her to prepare this particular villa after hearing that a certain bard had visited another adeptus’s abode recently. Seeing as how you are quite familiar with this fellow, you never know when you might need just such a place.

Where to Get Mondstadt Mansion: Windward Manor?

This building can be obtained by choosing Cool Isle in the early phase of Housing system. Copy of this building also can be obtained from Trust Rank 7.