Bloatty Floatty’s Dream of The Sky

Bloatty Floatty's Dream Of The Sky
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryLandform
Rarity3 Star
Adeptal Energy60


A balloon ornament made from Bloatty Floatties. The sturdy ropes are made from fibers found in the stems of Bloatty Floatties.

Bloatty Floatties are all too earger to soar into the sky, so such ropes are necessary to keep them down to earth.

How to Get Cradle of Flowers?

Blueprint of this furnishing can be obtained from Genshin Impact Traveler Picture Book Web Event, when unlocking middle part of painting.

Genshin Impact Traveler Picture Book Web Event
Genshin Impact Traveler Picture Book Web Event

After obtaining the blueprint, you can craft Cradle of Flowers using these following materials:

MaterialCrafting Time
Material Fabric8x Fabric14 hours