Hardwood Screen: Morning Mist in Jueyun

Furnishing Hardwood Screen Morning Mist in Jueyun
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategorySmall Furnishing (Interior)
Rarity4 Star
Adeptal Energy90


A tall screen that has been specially processed, rendering it especially sturdy.

The graven image is that of the mountains of Jueyun Karst, conveying both a sense of naturalness and stoic immovability. Stores and restaurants alike use such screens to guard the “fortune” within their premises.

Where to Get Hardwood Screen: Morning Mist in Jueyun Furnishing?

Blueprint of this furnishing can be obtained from Adeptal Mirror Round 4, and can be crafted with these following materials:

Material 1Material 2Crafting Time
Housing Fragrant Cedar Wood12x Fragrant Cedar WoodMaterial Fabric6x Fabric16 hours