Intricately Carved Calligraphy Table

Furnishing Intricately Carved Calligraphy Table
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryLarge Furnishing (Interior)
Rarity3 Star
Adeptal Energy60


A desk made from Fragrant Cedar Wood that has been crafted from wood in the early, incipient stages of decay. The wood grain here is most elegant, as if reflecting the nature of the literati.

A certain storyteller asserts that only drafts finalized on such tables may sell for high prices.

One can neither confirm nor deny if this has anything to do with Wanyou Boutique’s latest promotional sale of wooden desks.

How to Get Intricately Carved Calligraphy Table Furnishing?

Blueprint of this furnishing can be obtained from Adeptal Mirror Round 1, and can be crafted with these following materials:

MaterialCrafting Time
Housing Pine Wood12x Pine Wood14 hours