Realm Dispatch – Invite Your Companion to Serenitea Pot

Housing Realm DispatchCategorySerenitea Pot
Rarity5 Star Rarity
Obtainable FromWorld Quest from Tubby
UsageInvite Friends to Serenitea Pot

Item Description

A realm dispatch that you obtained from Tubby. It seems to be able to allow your companions to come and go in your realm as they please..

After acquiring this item, you can invite companions to reside in your Serenitea Pot from the Placement Screen.

How to Use Realm Dispatch?

To invite your friends, simply go to Placement Screen Placement Screen Icon and then navigate to Companion tab.

Companion Tab in Placement Screen - Serenitea Pot
Companion Tab in Placement Screen – Serenitea Pot

From there, you can choose which character to invite to your realm. Place them in any spot you want them to be, like how you place furnishing before. And then Save, and done.

Traveler And Mondstadt Characters In Serenitea Pot
Traveler And Mondstadt Characters In Serenitea Pot

As for max number of companion. You can invite up to 8 companions to your realm. Now The traveler, Paimon, and Tubby won’t be the only residence in your realm.