Only Silence Remains

Only Silence Remains is a 4 star Light Cone of The Hunt path. It’s artwork featuring Dan Heng, playable and free 4 star character from Astral Express.

PathThe Hunt
Rarity4 Star
SourceStellar Warp

Superimposition – Record

Increases ATK of its wearer by 16/20/24/28/32%. If there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field, increases wearer’s CRIT Rate by 12/15/18/21/24%.

Light Cone Only Silence Remains
Light Cone Only Silence Remains

Only Silence Remains Description

“Shouldn’t we get off? It’s our stop.” A chuckle came from above. His eyes moved, but he didn’t look up.

“To be clear, March always says you’re expressionless, but I don’t agree.” “The train’s archives show traces of an update, but the results weren’t saved.” “So… which entry were you having trouble with?”

He grasped his pen tighter as he looked at the bloody scene drawn in the notebook from memory. “I see. It was the one about you…”

Only Silence Remains Upgrade Materials

Here’s all material required to upgrade this light cone from level 1 to 80: