
Mondstadt Specialty WolfhookWolfhookCategoryMondstadt Local Specialities
A berry with thorns that often gets attached to a wolf’s pelt. When you look at it, you can almost hear the echoing cries of the wolves in the woods.

Game Archive Description

A berry with thorns that often gets attached to a wolf’s pelt. When you look at it, you can almost hear the echoing cries of the wolves in the woods.

Wolfhook has medicinal properties useful in treating minor illnesses. Although, in its original form, it can also harm careless people or animals…

Usage: Ascension

For ascension, this Mondstadt local specialty are known material exclusively for Razor, the boy who lives in Wolvendom with wolves:

Character Razor

Tips for Farming Wolfhook

Having character with passive to show local specialities in mini map will helps a lot in your search of Wolfhook. In Mondstadt, Klee is the only character with this passive:

Character Klee
Klee Talent - All Of My Treasures!All Of My Treasures!Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt on the mini-map.

Where to Find Wolfhook in Mondstadt?

Buy From Chloris in Windrise

The NPC known to sell this berry is Chloris, Monstadt NPC who can be found in Windrise area. Check her wares and you can find some flowers including this berry.

Other than this berry, she also sell 2 other Mondstadt specialty: Philanemo Mushroom and Valberry.

Chloris Location in Windrise
Chloris Location in Windrise
Chloris Selling Wolfhook In Windrise
Chloris Selling Wolfhook In Windrise

Wolfhook Location Map: Wolvendom

This mondstadt local specialty only can be found in Wolvendom, specifically area around Wolf of North Challenge arena. Try to search round the bush and on the tree. Here’s the map for more specific Wolfhook location:

Wolfhook Farming Location Map In Wolvendom
Wolfhook Farming Location Map In Wolvendom