Ashen Heart

Ashen Heart
Ashen Heart
CategoryTalent Level Up
Rarity5 Star Rarity

Item Description

A deformed fragment that contains powerful emotions. You obtained this from defeating Signora, who unleashed her original power.

Even tears cannot extinguish the flames. Molten-hot agony and rage rush through her veins, oozing from her tear ducts.

The First Fatuus found her just before her heart could be destroyed by the eternal blaze. He understood that only deeper hate and obsession could quench the fire that devoured her and make her his ally…


This material are used for leveling up character talents and skills. Specifically for talents and skill higher than level 6.

Where to Get Ashen Heart?

Tenshukaku Domain Location in Inazuma
Tenshukaku Domain Location in Inazuma

This talent up material is obtainable from Narukami Island: Tenshukaku Weekly challenge level 70 and higher. That’s around Adventure Level 40+.

Ashen Heart Characters?

Ashen Heart is used to level talents for the following characters:

Arataki Itto
Arataki Itto
Characters Kujou Sara
Kujou Sara
Yun Jin Character
Yun Jin