Event Wish “Epitome Invocation” 2021-04-06 Introducing New Alley Hunter Bow

Event Wish Epitome Invocation 2021 04 06
Event Wish Epitome Invocation 2021 04 06

New weapon banner is coming along with Farewell of Snezhnaya banner which bring Tartaglia back and also introducing new character Rosaria. This weapon banner is not really “new” since most weapon with rate up already available in standard banner since release of the game.

While the weapon banner have Skyward Harp (bow) and Lost Prayer of The Sacred Winds (catalyst) on rate up, the real prize of this weapon banner is new 4 star bow: Alley Hunter which looks pretty good for support.

Alley Hunter Bow Is The Real Prize Of This Banner
Alley Hunter Bow is The Real Prize of This Banner

Event Wish Duration

2021-04-06 18:00 – 2021-04-27 14:59

Featured Weapon

5 Star (5 Star Rarity)4 Star (4 Star)
Bow Skyward HarpSkyward Harp

Catalyst Lost Prayer To The Sacred WindsLost Prayer To The Sacred Winds

Bow Alley HunterAlley Hunter

Catalyst Favonius CodexFavonius Codex

Claymore Favonius GreatswordFavonius Greatsword

Polearm Favonius LanceFavonius Lance

Sword Favonius SwordFavonius Sword

Event Wish Detail

  • During this event wish, the 5-star weapons Skyward Harp (Bow) and Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds (Catalyst) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
  • During this event wish, the event-exclusive 4-star weapon Alley Hunter (Bow) and the 4-star weapons Favonius Sword (Sword), Sacrificial Greatsword (Claymore), Favonius Codex (Catalyst), and Favonius Lance (Polearm) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
  • Of the above weapons, the event-exclusive weapon will not be available in the standard wish “Wanderlust Invocation.”
  • For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.

Source: https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/279497