A Thousand Petals of Red Glaze

A Thousand Petals of Red Glaze
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryLandform
Adeptal Energy20


With its ball-shaped petals and radiant colors, this particular species is often used as an ornamental flower.

These plants do not lose in fluffiness to the dandelions of Mondstadt. A little gentle breeze is all it takes for the red glaze petals of different colors to be sent flying into the air, where they shall dance intertwined.

How to get A Thousand Petals of Red Glaze in Genshin Impact?

A Thousand Petals of Red Glaze for Serenitea Pot can be purchased from Furnishings tab in Realm Depot for 80 realm currency.

Gift Set

A Thousand Petals of Red Glaze is part of Wakeful Spring Gift Set.