Foundations of Stone: Fortunate Times

Foundations of Stone Fortunate Times
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryOutdoor Furnishing
Adeptal Energy60


A pavement created using dense stones. These stones are quite tightly packed, and are often used in plazas and wharfs where human traffic is quite dense.

The clean, hard stones utilize a traditional art from Liyue that melts and melds smashed stone and sand grains together to form slabs that are sturdy, long-lasting, and inexpensive, thus making them much sought after across the continent.

In some myths in Liyue Harbor, the “ground,” the “soil,” and “fortune” are inextricably linked. If the flooring of the city remains sound for long periods of times, then this means that the road ahead will be smooth and without impediments. As such, maintenance of the ground is of utmost importance. The Lantern Rite and other such important festivals are often held in venues with this type of flooring.

How to get Foundations of Stone: Fortunate Times?

Blueprint of Foundations of Stone: Fortunate Times can be purchased from Realm Depot for 160 realm currency.

After getting the blueprint, you can craft this furnishing using these following materials:

MaterialCrafting Time
Ore White Iron Chunk
8x White Iron Chunk
14 hours