Hot Spring Whitestone: Secret Fire

Hot Spring Whitestone Secret Fire
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryLandform
Adeptal Energy20


White, stone-shaped mechanical structures that can be found standing around and inside hot springs. It looks like an ordinary rock, with a furnace cavity containing charcoal inside, with a flue and air vents connected to it from below.

The stone facade is extremely thin and has good thermal conductivity. The preheated hot spring pool water is able to maintain a pleasant temperature for a long time thanks to the effects of such mechanisms.

How to get Hot Spring Whitestone: Secret Fire in Genshin Impact?

Hot Spring Whitestone: Secret Fire for housing can be purchased from Furnishings tab in Realm Depot for 80 realm currency.

Gift Set

Hot Spring Whitestone: Secret Fire is part of Wakeful Spring Gift Set.