Leisure Device: Maximum Motivation

Leisure Device Maximum Motivation
Leisure Device: Maximum Motivation
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryPractice Challenge
Rarity4 Star
Adeptal Energy90


Tubby created this furniture combination with great care out of a Practice Plaque and multiple Practice Stakes. The Practice Stakes can be placed anywhere within a limited area and will persist once placed. You can initiate the Practice Challenge at any time. If you can destroy all the wooden stakes in 2s, the challenge will be considered a success.

Interact with the Practice Plaque to check your records. After hearing the Traveler describe the training methods of certain adventurers, Tubby made this furniture combination for the Traveler to go a few rounds. After all, life in the Realm Within is very comfortable, and if you stay idle for too long, your fighting skills may slowly become rusty. Breaking multiple stakes is indeed easy, but if the stakes are spaced as far apart as possible, it is also challenge to test one’s speed and skill.

Aim for “breaking large number of targets in short period of time” and start yiur training with ease.

How to get Leisure Device: Maximum Motivation?

Leisure Device: Maximum Motivation can be purchased from Riches of the Realm tab in Realm Depot for 300 realm currency.