Rainbow Stall: Ruby Red

Rainbow Stall Ruby Red
Rainbow Stall: Ruby Red
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryBuilding
Adeptal Energy60


Huts built around the square by vendors during the Lantern Rite Festival. The frames are made from Sandbearer Wood with incipient decay and covered with a ruby Red roof. The six lanterns hanging high are particularly eye-catching. According to some vendors, the lanterns hanging high against the red roof have a symbolic meaning of “bouts of good fortune.”

How to get Rainbow Stall: Ruby Red?

Blueprint of Rainbow Stall: Ruby Red can be purchased event shop during Genshin Impact 2.4 Fleeting Colors in Flight event.

After getting the blueprint, player can craft this furnishing with following materials:

Material 1Material 2Material 3Crafting Time
Housing Sandbearer Wood
4x Sandbearer Wood
Material Fabric
4x Fabric
Material Red Dye
4x Red Dye
14 hours