Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets

Furnishing Tasseled Lantern Deck the Streets
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryOrnaments (Interior)
Rarity4 Star
Adeptal Energy90


A stylish and elegant lantern fixed to a pole painted with red lacquer.

As well as being a beautiful sight, when placed on both sides of the road, they also symbolize a bright road ahead.

Where to Get Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets?

Blueprint of this furnishing can be obtained by participating in Mimi Tomo Hilichurl event. After learn the blueprint, then player can craft the furnishing with these following materials:

Material 1Material 2Material 3Crafting Time
Housing Sandbearer Wood6x Sandbearer WoodMaterial Fabric6x FabricMaterial Red Dye6x Red Dye16 hours