*Effective for players on “Playstation Network” only.
Dealing Cryo DMG to opponents increases this character’s Normal and Charged Attack DMG by 10% for 6s. This effect can have a maximum of 2 stacks. Additionally, when Aloy equips Predator, ATK is increased by 66.
Predator Bow Description
A uniquely designed bow. This should not belong in this world.
How to Get Predator Bow?
After the version 2.1 update, Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 20 or above can log in to the game via PlayStation and obtain the weapon, Predator Bow for free via in game mail.
The mail will expire after 365 days, so don’t forget to claim it in time.
Refer to Mihoyo official announcement about how to obtain predator bow.
Predator Bow Weapon Upgrade Materials
Here’s all material used to upgrade Predator Bow: