Inazuman Home: Routine Dimensions

Furnishing Inazuman Home Routine Dimensions
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryBuilding
Adeptal Energy60


An Inazuma house with a simple build and lots of room for modification. Inazuma City’s population tends to tick upward, resulting in a trend of building the city outward, which has in turn caused these easily-set-up houses to become ubiquitous. When the family living on its grounds accumulate enough savings, they can then purchase the materials to perform renovations and enlargements. Though few such successful cases have come to be in recent years, the “wish” for a better life surely still exists within the peoples’ hearts.

How to get Inazuman Home: Routine Dimensions?

Blueprint of Inazuman Home: Routine Dimensions can be purchased from Realm Depot for 160 realm currency.

After getting the blueprint, you can craft this furnishing using these following materials:

Material 1 Material 2Material 3Crafting Time
Housing Otogi Wood
12x Otogi Wood
Material Blue Dye
3x Blue Dye
Material Yellow Dye
3x Yellow Dye
14 hours