Iter Ad Astra Abyssosque

Gift Set Iter Ad Astra Abyssosque
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryGift Set
Rarity4 Star
Adeptal Energy430


An adventurer camp that can often be seen out in the wild. It uses the latest and greatest in tent designs.

Experienced adventurers are used to leading a hard existence and require only a lightweight and durable tent to sleep soundly — even in a howling storm. After regaining their strength the next day, they move on to their next destination. As such, attractive and affordable tents like these have always had ready buyers.

List of Furnishings

Furnishing Deadwood Road Sign1x Deadwood Road SignFurnishing Simple Single-Person Tent1x Simple Single-Person TentTianheng Red Maple Branches Aflame1x Tianheng Red Maple: Branches AflameFurnishing The Adventurer’s Burdens1x “The Adventurer’s BurdensFurnishing Lightning Protective Tent1x Lightning Protective Tent
The Adventurers Treasures1x “The Adventurer’s TreasuresBrightcrown Plumebush1x “Brightcrown PlumebushDainty Fists2x “Dainty FistsScholar's Weariness1x “Scholar’s WearinessHazel Wildvest2x Hazel Wildvest

Companion Favors

This furnishing set is favored by the following companions:

AlbedoBennettChongyunFischlCharacter Qiqi

How to Get Gift Set Iter Ad Astra Abyssosque?

Blueprint of this gift set can be obtained from Realm Depot for 240 realm currency.