“Kitsune Guuji” Exclusive Painted Flag Banner

Kitsune Guuji Exclusive Painted Flag Banner
“Kitsune Guuji” Exclusive Painted Flag Banner
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryLandscape
Rarity3 Star
Adeptal Energy60


A poster banner that can be seen at the Magnificent Irodori Festival. It features the cover of the famous novel “Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji?”. This novel is one of the most popular among all the works of “Yae Publishing House,” so it has become one of the highlights of the festival. If you want to see a super-sized image of “Kitsune Guuji,” this is your only chance!

It is said that some guests tried to buy this banner as well, but the staff of the festival politely declined this request, because this product is not up for sale this exhibition. If it was open for sale, all the banner flags would have surely been snapped up, and several blocks would have been taken over by the “Kitsune Guuji” banners the very next day.

How to get “Kitsune Guuji” Exclusive Painted Flag Banner?

Blueprint of Kitsune Guuji Exclusive Painted Flag Banner can be purchased from Realm Depot for 160 realm currency. After that you can craft this furnishing with following materials:

Material 1Material 2Crafting Time
 Housing Yumemiru Wood
6x Yumemiru Wood
Material Fabric
6x Fabric
14 hours