Sub-Space Cabochon: Up, Up and Away

Sub Space Cabochon Up Up and Away
Sub-Space Cabochon: Up, Up and Away
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryLandform
Rarity3 Star
Adeptal Energy20


A Sub-Space Boulder suspended in the air. It is of moderate size and can be used as a step to ascend to the Floating Platform with proper adjustment of height and spacing. The “Plaustrite” core inlaid in the stone steps is relatively small, and the total number that can be used for arrangement is larger compared to other Floating Platforms.

It is said that to some Liyue people, a steadily rising staircase symbolizes “a smooth ascent”. Perhaps arranging such stone steps in a clever way can also bring some kind of auspicious omen?

How to get Sub-Space Cabochon: Up, Up and Away?

Sub-Space Cabochon: Up, Up and Away can be purchased from furnishing tab in Realm Depot for 80 realm currency.