Scenic Corridor: Sylvan Stroll

Furnishing Scenic Corridor Sylvan Stroll
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryCourtyard (Exterior)
Rarity4 Star
Adeptal Energy90


A courtyard corridor for a grand estate. It allows you to take a stroll and enjoy the view outside even on a rainy day.

Tubby advises that placing trees on one side of the corridor and water features on the other creates the most pleasant atmosphere for your courtyard.

Where to Get Scenic Corridor: Sylvan Stroll?

Blueprint of this furnishing can be obtained from Realm Depot for 240 realm currency. Then player can craft it in Furnishing Creation menu with these following materials:

Material 1Material 2Crafting Time
Housing Sandbearer Wood12x Sandbearer WoodOre White Iron Chunk6x White Iron Chunk16 hours