
BirthdayJanuary 1st
TitleDisciple of Streetward Rambler
Yaoyao Splash Art
Yaoyao Splash Art

Yaoyao name has been around since first release of Genshin Impact. She have her character placed in official genshin fanart with Qiqi (check wallpapers page). Yaoyao is disciple of Madam Ping, junior of Xiangling, and assistant of Ganyu.

Ascension and Talent Level Up Materials

LevelMoraGemsBoss MaterialSpecialtyCommon
20 to 20+20.000Nagadus Emerald Sliverx1Jueyun Chilix3Material Slime Condensatex3
40 to 40+40.000Nagadus Emerald Fragmentx3Quelled Creeperx2Jueyun Chilix10Material Slime Condensatex15
50 to 50+60.000Nagadus Emerald Fragmentx6Quelled Creeperx4Jueyun Chilix20Material Slime Secretionsx12
60 to 60+80.000Nagadus Emerald Chunkx3Quelled Creeperx8Jueyun Chilix30Material Slime Secretionsx18
70 to 70+100.000Nagadus Emerald Chunkx6Quelled Creeperx12Jueyun Chilix45Material Slime Concentratex12
80 to 80+120.000Nagadus Emerald Gemstonex6Quelled Creeperx20Jueyun Chilix60Material Slime Concentratex24
LevelMoraTalent BooksCommonBoss MaterialCrown
212.500Talents Up Teachings Of Diligencex3Material Slime Condensatex6
317.500Talents Up Guide To Diligencex2Material Slime Secretionsx3
425.000Talents Up Guide To Diligencex4Material Slime Secretionsx4
530.000Talents Up Guide To Diligencex6Material Slime Secretionsx6
637.500Talents Up Guide To Diligencex9Material Slime Secretionsx9
7120.000Talents Up Philosophies Of Diligencex4Material Slime Concentratex4Item Daka's Bellx1
8260.000Talents Up Philosophies Of Diligencex6Material Slime Concentratex6Item Daka's Bellx1
9450.000Talents Up Philosophies Of Diligencex12Material Slime Concentratex9Item Daka's Bellx2 
10700.000Talents Up Philosophies Of Diligencex16Material Slime Concentratex12Item Daka's Bellx2Event Crown Of Insightx1
Yaoyao Namecard Yuegui
Yaoyao Namecard: Yuegui

Talents and Constellations

For skill and talents, we are covering Yaoyao combat talents, passive talents, and all 6 constellations.

Toss ‘N’ Turn Spear (Normal Attack)– Normal Attack: Performs up to 4 consecutive spear strikes.

– Charged Attack: Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to opponents along the way.

– Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Raphanus Sky ClusterCalls upon “Yuegui: Throwing Mode,” a special device created by a certain adeptus to help Yaoyao solve her problems.
This skill will be used differently in Holding Mode.

Enters Aiming Mode to adjust the throw direction.

Yuegui: Throwing Mode
Throws out White Jade Radishes that will explode upon hitting characters or opponents, dealing Dendro DMG to opponents within a certain AoE, and healing characters based on Yaoyao’s Max HP. If a radish does not hit either an opponent or a character, the radish will remain where it is and explode on contact with a character or opponent, or will explode after its duration expires.

-Yuegui: Throwing Mode will choose its radish-throw targets.
-If nearby characters have more than 70% HP on average, then it will throw the radish at a nearby opponent.
-If nearby characters have 70% or less HP on average, it will throw a radish at the character with the lowest HP percentage remaining. If no opponents exist nearby, Yuegui will throw White Jade Radishes at characters even if they have more than 70% HP on average.

2 instances Yuegui: Throwing Mode can exist at any one time.
Moonjade DescentAt the enjoinment of a certain adeptus, Yuegui’s full potential can be unleashed in an emergency, causing it to enter an (in some sense) invincible Adeptal Legacy state, dealing Dendro DMG to nearby opponents.

Adeptal Legacy
– White Jade Radishes generated will be changed to heal and deal DMG according to this skill. Explosions will heal all nearby party members, and the Dendro DMG that they deal will be viewed as Elemental Burst DMG.
– Summons “Yuegui: Jumping Mode” at intervals until their limit has been reached. The radish-throwing behavior of this version of Yuegui is the same as that of Yuegui in the Elemental Skill, Raphanus Sky Cluster. A maximum of 3 Yuegui: Jumping Mode can exist at any one time.
– When White Jade Radishes explode, they will heal all nearby characters and the Dendro DMG they deal is viewed as Elemental Burst DMG.
– Yaoyao’s Movement SPD and Dendro DMG will be increased.

When Yaoyao is off-field, she will no longer summon Yuegui: Jumping Mode.
StarscatterWhile affected by the Adeptal Legacy state caused by Moonjade Descent, Yaoyao will summon 1 Yuegui: Jumping Mode whenever she sprints or jumps. She can summon 1 Yuegui this way every 0.5s.
In Others’ ShoesWhen White Jade Radishes explode, active characters within their AoE will regain HP every 2s based on 20% of Yaoyao’s Max HP. This effect lasts Xs.
Tailing on TiptoesWhen Yaoyao is in the party, your characters will not startle Crystalflies and certain other animals when getting near them.
Check the “Other” sub-category of the “Living Beings / Wildlife” section in the Archive for creatures this skill works on.
1Adeptus’ TutelageWhen White Jade Radishes explode, active characters within their AoE will gain 15% Dendro DMG Bonus for 8s and have 15 Stamina restored to them. This form of Stamina Restoration can only be triggered every 5s.
2InnocentWhile affected by the Adeptal Legacy state caused by Moonjade Descent, if White Jade Radish explosions damage opponents, 3 Energy will be restored to Yaoyao. This form of Energy regeneration can occur once every 0.8s.
3Loyal and KindIncreases the Level of Sky Raphanus Cluster by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
4WinsomeAfter using Raphanus Sky Cluster or Moonjade Descent, Yaoyao’s Elemental Mastery will be increased based on 0.3% of her Max HP for 8s. The maximum Elemental Mastery she can gain this way is 120.
5CompassionateIncreases the Level of Moonjade Descent by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
6BeneficentWhen Yuegui: Throwing Mode throws out a White Radish, there is a 50% chance that it will throw out a Mega Radish that will have a larger AoE than the standard White Jade Radish and have the following effects upon exploding:

– Deals AoE Dendro DMG based on 75% of Yaoyao’s ATK.
– Restores HP for the active character based on 7.5% of Yaoyao’s Max HP.

Every Yuegei: Throwing Mode can throw out a maximum of 2 Mega Radishes.