Teachings of Freedom

Teachings of Freedom
Teachings of Freedom
CategoryTalent Level Up Material
Rarity2 Star

Teachings of Freedom is an item used for leveling up talents and skills of characters in Genshin Impact. This talent material have 2 star rarity (2 Star) and 3 of this talent material can be crafted through alchemy to Guide to Freedom which have higher rarity (3 Star).


Freedom is the spirit of the Land of the Wind.

The freedom to live is one of such. It is the freedom to live freely and healthily without concerns of one’s own safety.

Where to Find Teachings of Freedom?

Teaching of Freedom can be farmed in Forsaken Rift, Mondstadt every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. Forsaken Rift is Cryo based domain full with Cryo slimes so it’s recommended to bring pyro and electro based character.

Forsaken Rift
Forsaken Rift Location


AmberBarbaraDionaCharacter Klee
Character SucroseCharacter TartagliaAnemo TravelerGeo Traveler