Weathered Bamboo Fence

Furnishing Weathered Bamboo Fence
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryOutdoor Furnishing (Exterior)
Rarity2 Star
Adeptal Energy30


A short bamboo fence that is often seen around Dihua Marsh.

Bamboo rafts are a key method of transporting goods within Liyue’s borders, and the traffic of such rafts up and down the Bishui River is a practice that has persisted for a long time indeed. Rafts that are nearing the end of their lifespan will be broken down and repurposed as fences of this kind. Waste not, want not.

Where to Get Weathered Bamboo Fence?

Blueprint of this furnishing can be obtained from Realm Depot for 80 realm currency. Then player can craft it in Furnishing Creation menu with these following materials:

MaterialCrafting Time
Housing Bamboo Segment4x Bamboo Segment12 hours