Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity – Series II

Achievement - Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity Series II
Achievement – Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity Series II

Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity – Series II contains all achievements related to Inazuma map exploration, mainly for Watatsumi Island. There’s 15 achievement available and after completing all 15 achievement, player can claim Inazuma: Sangonomiya Crest namecard as reward.


1Continental Explorer: Land of Surging Thunder (II)Light up the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of the Inazuma map.5
2Thunderbolting Across the Land (II)Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of Inazuma.5
3Sanctuary Pilgrim: Inazuma Tenryou (II)Unlock all Shrines of Depths in the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of the map.10
4,5,6Naku Weed Whacker (II)Follow 4/8/16 Electro Seelie on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.5/10/20
7Lights Will Guide You Home (II)Follow 6 Seelie to their Seelie Courts on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.5
8,9,10Lightning-Riding Treasure Hunter (II)Open 40/80/160 chests on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.5/10/20
11,12,13Lightning-Riding Adventurer (II)Complete 6/12/24 Open World mechanism-activated Time Trial Challenges on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.5/10/20
14Seirai StormchasersComplete “Seirai Stormchasers”10
15The Same MoonlightComplete “The Moon-Bathed Deep”10


The rewards for this achievement is special namecard and total of primogems of 150.

Achievement Namecard: Inazuma: Sangonomiya Crest
Achievement Namecard: Inazuma: Sangonomiya Crest