Udon Noodles

Dish TypeRecovery Dishes
Rarity2 Star Rarity
Udon Noodles
Udon Noodles

In Game Description

Highly springy noodles. After several rounds of rising and pulling, the result is silky smooth yet springy noodles. Unlike ramen, which prizes dense flavors, udon noodles use light flavors to heal the Inazuman soul.


Depending on the quality (Suspicious/Normal/Delicious), this dish revives a character and restores 250/400/550 HP.

Just like any other food, consuming this dish will only effect your own character or party. This dish won’t have any effect for other players in Co-Op mode.

Udon Noodles Recipe Location?

The recipe of Udon Noodles can be purchased from NPC Shimura Kenbei, owner of Shimura’s in Inazuma City for 2.500 Mora. His stall located right in front of Inazuma Katherine stall.

Shimura's Location in Inazuma City
Shimura’s Location in Inazuma City


Here’s all ingredients you need to cook this dish:

Flour3x FlourIngredients Seagrass1x SeagrassFish1x Fish