Hot Spring Outer Wall: No Vaulting

Hot Spring Outer Wall No Vaulting
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryCourtyard
Adeptal Energy60


A hot spring wall made of special Aralia Wood panels. It is not particularly tall, but is extremely smooth and has almost no friction. Not to mention naughty children, even curious cats can’t climb over this wall.

How to get Hot Spring Outer Wall: No Vaulting?

Blueprint of Hot Spring Outer Wall: No Vaulting can be purchased from Realm Depot for 160 realm currency.

After getting the blueprint, you can craft this furnishing using these following materials:

MaterialCrafting Time
Housing Aralia Wood
8x Aralia Wood
14 hours

Gift Set

Hot Spring Outer Wall: No Vaulting is part of Wakeful Spring Gift Set.