Philosophies of Light

Philosophies of Light
Philosophies of Light
CategoryTalent Level Up Material
Rarity4 Star

In Game Description

Light is the yearning of the land of thunder.

Though they must live forever on the earth, humanity will always reach for the light. Mortals will pursue and surpass, and they will never stop. A sealed eternity may, perhaps, look magnificent, but its essence is death.

Where to Get Philosophies of Light?

Domain: Violet Court

Philosophies of Light can be farmed in Violet Court domain, Inazuma every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Ley line disorder in Violet Court gives 25% Electro DMG Bonus for all characters in the party so it’s recommended to bring electro based character to this domain.

Violet Court Domain Location In Inazuma
Violet Court Domain Location In Inazuma


Material Guide To Light3x Guide to Light550


Gorou Character ThumbRaiden ShogunSayu Genshin Impact