Rainbow Lights: At Dawn We Celebrate

Rainbow Lights At Dawn We Celebrate
Rainbow Lights: At Dawn We Celebrate
Main CategorySerenitea Pot
Item CategoryLandscape
Adeptal Energy60


Uniquely shaped lantern stands with exquisitely crafted traditional lanterns. They are especially beautiful and can only be seen at the Lantern Rite Festival. When all sixteen lanterns are lit up, the bright and warm light is enough to illuminate a radius of hundred steps. It is said that the first lanterns to be lit on the eve of the festival are hung on this type of lantern stand, signaling the arrival of the festival.

How to get Rainbow Lights: At Dawn We Celebrate?

Blueprint of Rainbow Lights: At Dawn We Celebrate can be purchased event shop during Genshin Impact 2.4 Fleeting Colors in Flight event.

Material 1Material 2Material 3Crafting Time
Housing Sandbearer Wood
4x Sandbearer Wood
Material Fabric
4x Fabric
Material Red Dye
4x Red Dye
14 hours