Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth

Material Boreal Wolfs Cracked Tooth Item Category Materials
Item Type Weapon Ascension Material
Rarity 3 Star Rarity
Domain Cecilia Garden

In Game Description

The life of a wolf is not without violence; broken bones or cracked teeth are nothing special.

Andrius found humans to be a disappointment, but believed babies to be innocent. If both the wolf pack and the adopted children chose each other, then they become a Lupical, a fated family.

Usage: Weapon Ascension


Bow Skyward HarpSkyward Harp Bow Elegy for the EndElegy of The End Bow Sacrificial BowSacrificial Bow Bow Sharpshooters OathSharpshooters Oath


Catalyst Skyward AtlasSkyward Atlas Catalyst Wine and SongWine and Song Catalyst The WidsithThe Widsith Catalyst Dodoco TalesDodoco Tales Catalyst Thrilling Tales of Dragon SlayersThrilling Tales of Dragon Slayer


Claymore Skyward PrideSkyward Pride Claymore Sacrificial GreatswordSacrificial Greatsword Claymore Bloodtainted GreatswordBloodtainted Greatsword


Polearm Dragonspine SpearDragonspine Spear Polearm DeathmatchDeathmatch


Sword Skyward BladeSkyward Blade Sword The FluteThe Flute Sword The Black SwordThe Black Sword Sword Sword of DescensionSword of Descension Sword Harbinger Of DawnHarbinger of Dawn

How to Get Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth


Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth also can be obtained from Cecilia Garden domain in Mondstadt (Tuesday/Friday/Sunday):

Cecilia Garden Location In Mondstadt
Cecilia Garden Location In Mondstadt

Alchemy Crafting

Material Mora
Material Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth3x Boreal Wolf’s Milk Tooth 125