- All
- Animal
- Building
- Courtyard
- Decoration
- Gift Set
- Indoor Sets
- Landform
- Landscape
- Large Furnishing
- Main Building
- Ornaments
- Outdoor Furnishing
- Outdoor Sets
- Small Furnishing
- Wall Decor

“A Guide in The Summer Woods”

“A Messenger in The Summer Woods”

“Divine Nose:” Kitsu-Kitsu Daruma

“Feather Light Praise”

“Henji” Aralia Noticeboard

“Hyoutei” Stacked Aralia Wood Boxes

“Kitsune Guuji” Exclusive Painted Flag Banner

“Kyuukou” Otogi Flower Terrace

“Lost Between the Pages of a Book”

“Pure Gorgeous Summer”

“Sanzai” Otogi Flower Terrace

“Sekijou” Aralia Tea Table

“The Blue Oceans Treasure”

“True Cookery”: Nuki-Nuki Daruma

“Witchs Chorus”

A Dragon’s Wondrous Sight

A Favor Returned

A Mask (Kazari Mask Furnishing)

A Path of Value: Jade Field

A Path of Value: Luxuriant Glebe

A Path of Value: Orderly Meadow

A Portrait of Paimon, the Greatest Companion

A Seat in the Wilderness

A Thousand Petals of Red Glaze

A Thousand Swings

Adeptus Amber: A Striking Sight

Adeptus Amber: Trespassers Beware

Adeptus Gate

Adventurer Camp

Alchemic Component: Burden of Dust

Alchemic Device: Between Fire and Water

Alchemists Crafting Bench

Amber Irontrunk Tree

Amber Knotwood Tree

Amber Pearlroot Tree

Amidst Dew Covered Lilac Leaves

Amidst Poetic Pondering

Amidst Whispering Winds

Ancestral Sword Rack: Four Core Principles

Aralia “Bangaku” Shelf

Aralia “Fusen” Cupboard

Aralia “Renzou” Street Lamp

Archivist’s Treasure Trove

Ardent Cinnabar

Arms Factory

Ashen Stone

Azure Crane

Ballad-Spinning Windwheel

Bamboo Outdoor Tea Table

Between Nine Steps

Birch Double Drawer Nightstand

Birch Main Courtyard Gate

Birch Sapling

Bird and Blossom Design Fountain

Bird and Blossom Park

Black-Back Hound

Bloatty Floatty’s Dream of The Sky

Blooming Candle: Pure as a Lotus

Blooming Hedge

Book Lover’s Study

Bountiful Harvest Fruit Cart

Breeze-Blessed Bed

Brightcrown Plumebush

Brown Maple Flooring

Bustling Sundry Stand

Busy Kitchen

Calligraphy Set: Assiduous Calligraphy

Camp Bow Rack: Fletching

Camp Dwelling: Shoring Up

Camp Gate: Fealty

Camp Spear-Rack: Point Break

Camp Tent: Timely Tactics

Camp Watchtower: Viewport

Cargo Transfer Station

Carved Courtyard Fence

Carved Courtyard Fence Ending

Cast in Clay

Chasm’s Doorstep

Checkered Cedar Ceiling

Classic Country Home

Classic Fir Cabinet

Classical Lyre: Tenor of the Wind

Cleansing Shrine

Clear Blue Afternoon

Climate Crossover

Clouds East of Bishui

Cloudy Haze Bed

Cloudy Haze Dream Court

Colorful Checkered Tile

Common Cast Iron Stove

Concealing Leaves

Corner of The Teahouse

Cottage Kitchen

Country Home With Tall Attic

Countryside Tea Stand

Court Lantern: Lingering Majesty

Court Lantern: Thundering Heart

Courtyard Wall: All in a Row

Courtyard Wall: Peace Across

Courtyard Wall: Spring and Autumn Splendor

Cradle of Flowers

Crude Double-Decker Pallet

Crystalfly’s Perch

Cuihua Sapling


Dainty Fists

Dark Checkered Ceiling

Dark Wood Arch Wall

Dawn Orchard

Deadwood Road Sign

Dialogue Twixt Ancient Tree and Rock

Dodoco’s Beach Nap

Dodoco’s Collection Cupboard

Dodoco’s Dodo Stove

Dodoco’s Summertime

Dodoco’s Sunshade Umbrella

Dodoco’s Travel Bag

Doorless Pine Cupboard

Doves the World Over, Repose Seeking

Economy Cuihua Bookshelf

Eight-Sided Lantern: Lucky Day

Embroidered Curtains

Embroidered Lantern: Lofty Grandeur

Encampment Fence Jagged Teeth

Encampment Fence: Decisive Judgement

Encampment Fence: Honing Goad

Entrance Rug: A Warm Welcome

Estate Courtyard Corner: Measured Harmony

Estate Courtyard Wall: Harmonious Corner

Estate Courtyard Wall: Hidden Boundary

Estate Courtyard Wall: Stoneguard

Estate Gate: Windy Doors

Estate Reception: Prim and Proper

Estate Storehouse: We Have Reserves

Estate Wall Corner: Old City Palisade

Eternal Domain of Fleeting Dreams

Etiquette of Correspondence

Euphonium Unbound: Soaring

Euphonium Unbound: Winding

Ever-Popular Eatery

Evernight Blazeshrub

Evernight Glitterbough

Evil-Repelling Lantern: All-Around Lighting

Evil-Slaying Bows

Exquisite Cuihua Bookshelf

Exquisite Hourglass Ornament

Farmer’s Scarecrow

Favonius Coat of Arms

Favonius Conference Table

Favonius Office Table

Feiyun Study Room

Festival Booth – “Literary Talent”

Festival Booth – “Strange Wonders”

Festival Market

Festive Fragrance: Goods Piled High

Festive Fragrance: Of Gold and Jade

Fine Brushwork: Bowl of Blossoms

Fine Brushwork: Mountains Rising From the Mist

Fine Brushwork: Peaks of Minlin

Fine Stall: Splash of Color

Fir Case Shelf Combination

Fir Shelves

Fir Weapon Rack

Floral Screen: Jade and Gold

Flower Arrangement: Baby Blue Tranquility

Flower Arrangement: Sprawling Daybreak

Flower’s First Blushing Bloom

Forceful Tea Pine

Forest Boar

Forest-Patrol Hound

Formation Rock

Foundation of Stone: Grand Design

Foundations of Stone: Double-Time

Foundations of Stone: Fortunate Times

Foundations of Stone: Path of Cultivation

Foundations of Stone: Timely Arrival

Four Corners Lantern: Amity From Afar

Four-Quadrant Cooking Cauldron

Fragrant Cedar Vegetable Rack

Frontier Life

Fruit & Veg Market

Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties

Fruit Seller’s Caution

Fruit Seller’s Toil

Fully Furnished Mondstadt Bedroom

Gathering of Gourmets

Gemini Jasmine

Gemini Verdance

Glazed Porcelain Tea Set: “Embracing Truth”

Glittering Street

Glowstone Parasol

Gold-Lined Sandbearer Nightstand

Gold-Lined Sandbearer Wardrobe

Goldbud Stone

Goldchime Stone

Golden Irontrunk Tree

Golden Knotwood Tree

Golden Pearlroot Tree

Golden Triple-Arm Candelabrum

Googol Chair

Googol Table

Green Fountain

Green Irontrunk Tree

Green Knotwood Tree

Green Pearlroot Tree


Half-Constructed Fence

Hamlet House

Hardened Glazed Vase

Hardwood Screen: Morning Mist in Jueyun

Hardwood Weapon Rack

Harvest Season Stall

Hatamoto Armor: Eijin Genkou

Hazel Wildvest

Headquarters Alarm: Sound of Thunder

Heavy Fir Forging Table

Heavy Hay Bale

Heavy-Duty Restaurant Stove

Hermit’s Hut

Hiding Grazestone

Hilichurl Archery Target

Hilichurl Chieftain Hall

Hilichurl Horned Pot

Hilichurl Outpost Hut

Hilichurl Spiral Watchtower

Hilichurl Straw Hut

Hilichurl Totem Fence

Hot Spring Folding Screen: Moderation

Hot Spring Foyer: Shelter from the Cold

Hot Spring Outer Wall: No Vaulting

Hot Spring Wall: Well-Grounded

Hot Spring Whitestone: Secret Fire

Hunter’s Vantage

Idyllic Town

Inazuman Home: Clanking Metal

Inazuman Home: House of Coral

Inazuman Home: Irreplaceable Foresight

Inazuman Home: Routine Dimensions

Inazuman Home: Stormhouse

Inazuman Home: Watatsumi Reminiscence

Inazuman Mansion: As One

Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness

Inazuman Workshop: Exhaustive Regularity

Inazuman Workshop: Multipurpose

Inazuman Workshop: Sweetness Sought

Intricately Carved Calligraphy Table

Iter Ad Astra Abyssosque

Jade-Eyed Cat


Landscape Painting: Country Home

Landscape Painting: Distant Clouds

Landscape Painting: Nameless Precipice

Large Birch Wardrobe

Large Stone Mill

Leisure Device: Confused Confuzzlement

Leisure Device: On the Pulse

Leisure Device: Rhytmic Sprinter

Lightning Protective Tent

Lingering Moment

Liuli Pavilion Sandbearer Floor Lamp

Liyue Estate: Exquisite Mansion

Liyue House of Timber and Stone

Liyue House: Amity Abounds

Liyue House: Moon-Crested Eaves

Liyue House: Solitary Retreat

Liyue House: Time Waits for No-One

Liyue Pitstop: Tea Fragrance on the Old Road

Liyue Shop: Citywide favorite

Lone and Cautiuos Adventurer

Long Pine Table

Long Table With Tablecloth

Long Yumemiru Table

Luscious Bloom

Lush Grapevine

Main Entrance: Gateway to the Clouds

Maple Wood Chandelier: Illume

Maple Wood Floor Lamp: Clarity

Maple Wood Lamp: Light Fragrance

Maple Wood Ritual Drum: A Great Din

Maple Wood Ritual Drum: Festive Music

Maple Wood Square Ceiling

Maple Wood Vaulted Wall

Mature Cuihua Tree

Meadow Bloom

Meditation Stone

Meeting Room of the “Strategic Six”

Melancholy, the Dewgrass Shadowing

Merchants Working Lunch

Messy Pile of Fir Crates

Midsummer Tea-Fragrance

Military Exercise Grounds

Mondstadt House With Overhanging Attic

Mondstadt Mansion: Windward Manor

Mondstadt Rug: Crimson Ardor

Mondstadt Rug: Tireless Search

Moonlight Stone

Moss-Covered Stone

Mounted Record Board

Multi-Arched Mondstadt Building

Narukami’s Banner

Neat Stack of Books

Neat Stack of Fir Kegs

Newly Grown Grapevines

Night of the Party Pumpkins

Northern Birch Folding Counter

Northern Stone Hearth

Northland Cat

Northland Hound

Of Bamboo Teal

Of Fields Green: Border of Dreams

Of Fields Green: Cookie Road

Of Fields Green: Fluttering Color

Of Fields Green: Kitty Waiter

Of Fields Green: Smoky Labyrinth

Of Fields Green: Starflower Fence

Of Fields Green: Velvet Chaperone

Of Hunting and Dancing

Of Maple and Tea Scents Entwined

Of Promises Unkept the Night Flowers Speak

Old Well

Old Wind-Resistant Mondstadt House

Open-Air Workshop

Open-Top Fir Shelf

Ordinary Garden Hedge

Otogi “Meichuu” Standing Lamp

Otogi “Rikuyou” Wooden Barrel

Otogi Wood Ramen Stand

Outdoor Pine Round Table

Overgrown Wildvest

Painted Vision: Of Mountains and Skies Distant

Painted Vision: Stunning Waters

Parched Stone

Parlor Cordiality

Pavilion: Stargazer’s Shelter

Pear Orchard Accessory: Attend and Listen

Pear Orchard Percussion: Gong on the Dot

Pear Orchard Screen: Deft

Pear Orchard Screen: Dexterous

Pear Orchard Seat: Of Tunes and Fragrant Tea

Pear Orchard Snare Drum: A Quartet Chorus

Pear Orchard Stage: Yun-Han Style

Peculiar Knotwood Tree

Perimeter Wall: Scenic Archway

Pine Dining Chair

Pine Folding Screen: Billowing Sails

Pine Reception Counter

Pine Street Light

Pine-Backed Tea Chair

Pines Awaiting the Twilight

Plain Liyue Bedroom

Pocket-Sized Pine Cabin

Pool of Sapphire Grace

Portable Stove

Potted Flower: Fragrant Facade

Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze

Potted Plant: Petite Perrenial

Potted Plant: Verdant Vastness

Prey’s Cloak of Refuge

Profitable Fruit Stand

Profuse Awlking

Profuse Lacquerleaf

Profuse Smokeleaf

Pure Spirit Banner

Qingce Cloud Residence

Qingce Heronleaf Bamboo

Qingce Jadestone Bamboo

Qingce Skysail Bamboo

Rainbow Cloud Flying Satin Pole

Rainbow Lights: At Dawn We Celebrate

Rainbow Lights: Lovely Night View

Rainbow Stall: Ruby Red

Rainbow Stall: Ultramarine

Rainproof Fir Cargo Container

Rally Banner

Real Deal Fruit Stand

Recreation Stone

Red Cedar Curio Stand

Red Cedar Round Table

Red Cedar Scroll Shelf

Red Pine Wood Round Stool

Red-Iron Coral

Replica Ancient Otogi Keg

Resonant Melody

Rock and Plants

Roll-Roofed Fruit and Vegetable Cart

Roofed Well: For Purity

Rural Water Source

Sappan and Vermillion Enjoined

Sartorial Stone

Scarlet-Scented Fan Dance

Scenic Corridor: Sylvan Stroll

Scholar’s Weariness

Scorched Stone

Seal of the Provisional Head Priestess

Seashell Table Lamp

Secret Research Lab

Serene Flames

Shadow Lamp: Painted Shadow

Sheriff Cat


Shopkeeper’s Cedar Shelf

Shrine Annex: Pleased to Serve

Shrine Corridor: Sakura-Dusted Path

Shrine Corridor: Vermilion Gaze

Shrine Hall: Gentle Wishes

Silk Curtains: Fetching the Sanguine Sky

Silversand Coconut Tree

Simple Cargo Cart

Simple Single-Person Tent

Simple Wooden Fence

Six-Sided Lantern: Harmony in Friendship

Smooth Stone Bench

Smooth Wooden Bench

Soft Lounge Sofa

Soil-Carrying Wooden Barrel

Southern Sweetleaves

Speedy Rhythm: Antler Brown

Speedy Rhythm: Mallow Mauve

Speedy Rhythm: Ultramarine

Speedy Rhythm: Verdance

Spiritchaser Screen

Square Pine Tea Table

Square Yumemiru Stool

Stepping Stone

Stone Cup-Shaped Pool

Stone Lantern: Fundoumyou’s Light

Stone Lion Statue: The Knowing

Stone Lion Statue: The Warding

Stone Statue: Giichiro


Stoneworks Crane: Hill Tamer

Storage Sack Buzz-Off Bag

Stratus-Cloud Stone

Straw Depot

Straw Hut

Straw Shed

Sturdy Birch Vanity

Sturdy Library Table

Sturdy Pine Fence

Sturdy Stone Well

Sturdy Wooden Barrel

Sub Space Waypoint

Sub-Space Boulder: Craggy Canopy

Sub-Space Boulder: Floating Precipice

Sub-Space Boulder: Palace Steps

Sub-Space Boulder: Refined Beauty

Sub-Space Boulder: Rocky Bulwark

Sub-Space Boulder: Seat of Mist

Sub-Space Boulder: Sky Range

Sub-Space Boulder: Slumbering Stratus

Sub-Space Boulder: Solitude

Sub-Space Boulder: Verdant Peak

Sub-Space Cabochon: Up, Up and Away

Suburbia Lighting

Summer Solstice Rock

Sunset Stone

Table and Chairs

Tall Birch

Tall Wooden Pole

Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets

Tavern Rug Home Away From Home

Tavern Shaker: Grumous Oscillation

Tea Talk

Tea Wisp Clouded White Couch

Teahouse Counter: “Toshimaru”

Teahouse Cushion: Night-Woven

Teahouse Lamp: Light Concealed

Teahouse Round Stool: Pain Point Reduction

Teahouse Vessel: Scent Sealer

Temporary Work Quarters

The Adventurer’s Burdens

The Adventurers Treasures

The Aster’s Sigh

The Bellflower Bids the Gloom Farewell

The Color of the Wind

The Essential Vase

The Precious Pink of Spring

The Red Kite’s Walking and Sleeping

The Wandering Bird Within

Thoughts Beyond the Pale

Thouroughfare Entrance: Evil Banisher

Three Reaches Bright

Thrice Dyed Crimson Snowmelt

Through White Foam the Jade Butterfly Soars

Thundering Heavens Drum

Tianheng Red Maple Branches Aflame

Tiger-Striped Cat

Timber Wall With Jade Eaves

Toy Stand: Dazzling Delights

Traditional Cedar Flooring

Training Ground

Training Ground Support Stakes

Tranquil Starlight

Traveling Merchant North of the Stone Gate

Trees of Azure Jade

Trusty Portable Lamp

Two-Story Hilichurl Sentry Tower

Two-Tier Candle Chandelier

Two-Tier Library Bookshelf

Two-Tier Vendor’s Booth: Rising Fortunes